Sunday, October 12, 2008

Subbing for High School Students

Each and every day I stand in front of Middle and High School Students,
and watch them. Yes it seems like an easy job; after all you mostly hand
out papers take roll and make sure none of them stab each other. My job
is to maintain the safety of students, and if they happen to get any
work done, then I did an ok job.  Some days if they aren’t asking you a
billion times if they can go to the bathroom, or go to their lockers so
they can roam the campus in efforts to pass the time, it can be.
Depending on the teacher and the overall class mood the day can go one
of two ways, wonderfully quiet and smooth, or disastrously chaotic. Most
days their teachers assign busy work because they know their students
won’t really attempt to do much when a sub is there. They sit around and
chatter and try to impress each other, they throw notes, and giggle,
they flirt, eat,  tag and well usually do anything but their work. The
rowdy classes can fry your nerves with the ever common outlandish
overdramatic behavior. Tempers flaring and cuss words spewing out of
these temperamental beasts can be enough to make one have a nervous
breakdown. It is any wonder why teachers choose their profession because
after all it isn’t for the money. And as stressful as high school
students can be, middle school is worse. These poor kids don’t know how
to sit in a chair for over 6 minute intervals and they constantly roam
the room like lost sheep.  Your voice is lost after telling them to sit
down 500 million times throughout each period. 
The typical student usually gets to school just barely on time, early in
the mornings they sit quietly as they are still awake, and for this
reason most teachers enjoy the first period of the day. As they wake up,
they begin to gossip, and talk about everything from their mean teachers
and loads of homework to how to get pregnant. When a substitute walks to
one of their rooms a whisper is always heard as a sigh of relief, or
most commonly “free-day.” Teenagers are very social beings and when they
aren’t making out with each other they are thinking about their crushes
or relationships. Mostly they sit and talk hoping to feel apart of a
group. This can mostly be seen at lunch. The jocks sit on the yellow
benches, next to the cheer girls. The guitar kids sit under the tree,
and everyone else sits with their little groups in order to feel like
they belong.

The Manipulation of Signs

In Baudrillard’s long article “The System of Objects,” he states that we
as a people and a culture consume products not because we are a passive
species hoping to absorb and assimilate into one giant uniform mass
audience; but we actively consume objects because they are a
manipulations of signs that our culture finds meaningful. If this is
true then the Romantic Comedy is just one manipulation that our culture
finds to be meaningful as applied to how our society should mate with
the opposite sex. Through McDonald's reasoning the romantic comedy genre
has been classified as a lighthearted expression of a couple falling in
love with each other, while battling or competing with one another in
order to successfully find their perfect mate. The Sex comedy like the
romantic comedy does place emphasis on competition for specific mates
but also expresses the former attitudes of society and how women were to
be the celestial virgins while men were allowed to be promiscuous with
their sexuality. One thing I found disturbing was the blatant shock
towards the Doctors studies of Women’s sexuality. How is it that in the
1950’s it was acceptable for men to sleep around, while all the women
were to be seen as virgins. They must have known that if the men were
loosing their virginity it was not amongst themselves, but with the
opposite sex. So why was it so shocking to them to find out that 50% of
women were not virgins. How else did they think men were getting
experienced? Another thing I found interesting is that if we as a mass
audience consumes the romcoms and the sex comedies are we actively
hoping our relationships are going to mirror what is seen on the screen?
If this is to be true we must wake up and realize life and relationships
are not meant to be lighthearted. I believe that the mass consumption of
romcoms is an escape from actually having to talk to one another while
in the courting phase of a relationship and is passive way to use the
romcom as a device or means to defer the situation at hand. We as a mass
audience watch these movies to feel better about our own relationships
or find comfort in the message the movie is trying to give us

Brick's Sexual Ambiguity in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof"


William’s use of ambiguity is seen through every aspect in this play. It is most notably seen in the big question looming over Brick’s sexuality. It is stated through arguments between Brick and Maggie, that the reason why they are married and living together is because of a previous arrangement. The story behind the arrangement is never told, nor why Brick refused to sleep in the same bed with her. While he states he can not stand her, the truth of about he and his friend/possible lover Skipper remains a mystery to all throughout the play, especially in their final conversation. Another element of ambiguity is why Brick has started to drink, is it because he can’t stand living with Maggie, because he is sad over Big Daddy’s looming disease, or because everyone thinks he may have had relations with his “best friend” Skipper. Will he actually have sex with his wife and get her pregnant.

Big Daddy also seems to be even more ambiguous than his son. His accrued amount of fortune is never quite revealed, along with his choice over who will take over the estate. The truth of his disease is on and off again, as with his feelings about life and death. His relations with his sons is also never fully disclosed, does he love Brick more than Gooper, and why? And at the end of the play no one is quite sure what will become of Big Daddy, is he going to die, and if so, when will it happen. Will he create a will, or will the brothers need to go to court.

Culturally, it seems extremely important to try and move up in society as shown by Mae and Maggie. Though both women are virtually the same, their plight with trying not to remain in the poor house seems ridiculous. They’re efforts to have children and show big daddy who has more affection towards him seems hypocritical, especially since their husbands will inherit the money and not them. Overall the entire play never gives true answers to any of the questions posed, and leaves the audience/reader wondering what the characters might do.

Fatal Attraction

Being that I have not seen Fatal Attraction in its
entirety, I can only go on what I saw. I thought that the clips
expressed a powerful commentary on the struggle for power within the
husband and wife’s marriage. In the first clip when he is apologizing
for the affair, he is shown standing over his sobbing wife as to show
that he had the power to not only ruin the marriage, but also to try and
decide to make things work. Though it seems like the man has the most
power in the beginning through the few clips shown it seems like the
women are more in control of the man than anything else. While Anne
Archer’s character emphasizes the role of the victim and the wrongfully
betrayed wife, she is still able to manipulate how the entire situation
will go. His wife after all throws him out, and later decides to let him
come back.  As seen, her quiet demeanor not only makes her husband feel
guilty for the entire situation, but also on edge. With one scream she
is able to throw her husband into an extreme panic, enabling him to come
to the rescue, while she goes off to find a means to Glen Close’s demise. 
Glen Close’s character also seems to be in the struggle for control due
to the fact that she is unwilling to let her one time affair go. She
becomes pregnant and with that believes that removing Archer’s character
is the only way she and Douglas’s character will have a chance. By
breaking into the house and attacking the wife she not only displays
clear signs on insanity, but also signs of control through intimidation.
She not only appears to be insane, but goes a step further to cut her
own leg to show that she is willing to mutilate herself and destroy his
wife to get what she wants.  As for her attacking Archer’s character,
and being diverted into fighting her former lover, she is as the cliché
goes “in it to win it.” She fights back against Douglas’s character
until he has no other option that to strangle the life out of her, or
until he thinks he has saved the day. Once Douglas’s character thinks he
is in the clear and has successfully saved his wife, Close shoots up
with one last breath of air to maim her former lover, only to terrify
him and to be shot dead by her nemesis and lovers wife.
For the second Movie Anchor Man, I thought it was such a hilarious
commentary on how men and women reacted and sometimes still do when
trying to mate with each other. The “power of the flute” scene shows him
almost performing solely for his anchor associate as she calls herself.
 Burgundy expresses himself as a peacock trying to gain the attention of
his mate, while making a mockery of the entire first date situation. She
on the other hand tries not to be wooed by her male counterpart, but is
unsuccessful due to the fact that he is liked by the entire club. Her
demeanor shows that while she is trying to resist his charm she is
falling victim to the crowds reaction and doubts her first intentions.