Saturday, September 6, 2008

Woman As Other

Simone de Beauvoir states; " we are told that femininity is in danger, we are exhorted to be women, remain women, become women. It would appear, then, that every female human beings not necessarily a woman; to be so considered she must shared in that mysterious and threatened reality known as femininity." In her Article Woman as Other, Simone de Beavoir clearly deliniates the difference between the two sexes, by stating that we know what women are based solely on the fact that they are not men. We are (speaking in a womans perspective) not defined by our accomplishments such like men are, but based on the fact that we accomplished things and we are women. Or so she states. Beauvior suggests that women have had no clear and deliniated history like other cultures but have merely hung on to the threads of our counterparts accomplishments, earnings and social standing. To be a woman is is to be unkown. She asks; " If today femininity no longer exists, then it never existed. But does the word woman, then, have no specific content?" Then if women are no longer measured by their soft and alluring tendencies how will we ever accomplish anything. Will time cease to exist in a world where women ban together and reject nurtuting loving and feminine qualities. Will our bread become extinct and sold on the black market because to be feminine is to be taboo? Has the idea of the feminine woman become so pase' and threatened by feminist views that the notion of a woman has lost its meaning, or are we still subordinized by hegemonic standards that define our roles. Not likely especially when a woman cannot be defined as a woman without having any of the attributes. Without feminine qualities would suggest an immitation and possibly being manly, and it would be a cry to compare a woman to a man when biologically it states that she is not one, because she does not have the parts. So Then Simone de Beauvior what is a woman? And how do we define her?

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