Monday, November 10, 2008

Raunch Culture, The Neo-Traditional, and the 40 Year Old Virgin

Of recent times, when one goes to the movies the younger generation has flocked to see movies that have a high amount of shock value. Today's idea of gross humor and shocking themes is considered to be raunch culture. Chris Barker states that; " Raunch culture advocates sexual provocativeness and promiscuousness by women as women. It liberally employs references to pornography and celebrates sexual objectification and physicality." (Pg. 312) Movies like Wedding Crashers, The 40 year old Virgin and Knocked Up, created a pathway for movies to continue to push the shock waves. Un-rated versions have begun to appear, as well as gross humor that express to younger generations, most of which are in high school that that type of behavior is acceptable. And while movies like Super Bad and Sarah Marshal and Borat show explicit moments of profanity the 40 year old Virgin is not really completly classified as raunch culture. In fact with the theme, Andy and his virginity ideals has paved the way for it to be considered a Neo-traditional movie. Yes there are moments of gross hilarity, especially with a transvestite hooker and a "do it yourself" scene in the bathtub. But other than the overall ideal of male promiscuity Andy decides not to loose it to any random woman but to one he truly loves. He not only waits until he is after 40, but also chooses to get married before having sex for the first time. This neo-traditional ideal is something the raunch culture has not seen much of, but with time what was once a thing of the past can become a bricolage and become new again.

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